Sunday, April 25, 2010

REAL plz..

hello thre, its like once in a blue moon i write on dis..d la beberape sbb yg x bole nk dikemukakn di cni y i rarely write on dis..nih mmg da x tahan ngan situasi yg tgh terjadi skrg ni..its like im nt in a real world n i wish to...i want to escape from dis hypocrite world...went far awy from org2 yg tah pape..(sesape terbce n terse, sori im nt mean it to u) wuuuu...thre's 2 guy, a n b...a n b r frens...n both r not a real ppl wuuuuu..(mcm la aku ni real sgt)...btw sy sgt pelik dgn 2 org nih sbb.................................................................................. i dunnooo!!!! oh, nk jumpe org2 yg realll plz.... ah agi 1 ngan konflik at my surrounding, dyorg agi 1 pelik, bkan mcm manusie biase..alien(no human sense at all) wuuuuuuuuu x phm, pelik, nape dyorg act cmtuh??? aaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! REAL REAL REAL...!!! cn sumbody tell me how to confront wit dis kind of ppl, except bwat bodo??????? wuuu tkanannnn